Now, after I broke my foot, each day is an adventure. Everything is new, everything is different. People, places, things I hear, things people say to each other, how I act. No, it is not worse or better, it is just different. I can't help to notice that I am changed. I have changed a lot, because of recent experience which actually was like the culmination of my past. And now time has come to recover - body and mind. Yes, I knew that this time - off plaster - will be the worst, but I had time -7 weeks to prepare myself for this period. It will not be easy and of course it will take time. Full recovery - 6 months - this is what doctors say. And I am ok with that. I have to patient with myself, first time in my life no matter if I want to or not - I have to be patient with myself. Is it the hardest thing to do? Yes, but I try and I succeed and being surprised how patient I can be with myself.
So as i wrote - everyday is an adventure. Everyday I try to arch my foot 1 millimeter more, everyday I try to walk 1 meter more, everyday I try not to give up on my dream - dance, everyday I believe I will be fully recovered and I will dance again without fear., everyday I learn how to ask for help - even stranger, everyday I try to see positive sides. This dream - dance, this hope - dance, makes me calm, makes me want to take baby steps with understanding towards myself - my body and my mind.
Yes, my broken foot is the best teacher I had, it gave me something precious - time to think and to connect with myself again. Yes, I have faced my fear thanks to my broken foot and now I feel like finally I am back from long journey: richer, stronger. more gentle, more patient. With many different experiences I collected over the past weeks and over the past years - I am ready to move on, to teach others like I always wanted and ... to be brave enough to be myself no matter what.
I wish all "broken feet" (broken, injured whatever part of body):
Only you have power to not let this thing break your beautiful spirit - be strong even when you can't anymore.
Only you have power to not let this thing break your beautiful spirit - be strong even when you can't anymore.
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